With the orientation of “Enjoy and preserve nature”, we always make an effort to renovate and constantly transform Golden Tulip Farm into a “place to experience peaceful natural life”. Coming to Golden Tulip, you will live in the fresh air, no pollution of smoke. All scenes at the farm are natural scenery, retaining the pristine richness of mountainous terrain and Central Highlands climate. We are confident that Golden Tulip is a miniature version of the Central Highlands that brings exciting “unique” experiences.


When it comes to high land specialties, it is impossible not to mention coffee – the gift that makes a name of Vietnam to friends on every continent. Enjoying coffee is an elegant hobby, but there is nothing better than enjoying that gift right in the garden.

100% pure, natural roasted coffee, without chemical odors… The aroma is sweet, just slightly bitter, dark and melting on the tongue. In the middle of the immense coffee forest, visitors will enjoy the fresh air and the fragrance of coffee in the morning dew, faintly along with that is a little characteristic aroma of the basalt red soil.

In addition to coffee, Golden Tulip is also adorned with a range of vibrant colors from the bright yellowness of Osaka and wild sunflowers, along with the lush green of dozens of trees. During the harvest season, visitors can visit and enjoy special fruits at the garden such as ripe red Rambutan, grapefruit bustling like sunbathing pigs, avocado also ripe on the branch itself … and especially the image of durian fruit falling at its base, the fat, sweet and greasy zone is different from that of the taste you have ever eaten.

The best fruit is when it ripens naturally. Golden Tulip always confidently asserts the value brought to visitors is the most real value. All agricultural products are naturally ripe, not impregnated with preservative chemicals and are the most premium types that are hard to find in Saigon.


The interesting feature of the Golden Tulip eco-tourism area is that you can stay in natural wooden houses with a lifespan of more than 2 decades to enjoy the ancient Vietnamese culture and the airiness and coolness different from those of the sultry Saigon. Even the rainy days here are incredibly beautiful with a cup of hot coffee and charming scenery of the plateau, which visitors can not get in the cramped and stuffy urban area.

Or if you are a break-up person, want to explore the wildness of the scenery, you can choose to immerse yourself in nature by setting up tents, setting a campfire, transforming yourself into unruly, adventurous indigenous people by the fire, listening to the wind blowing, watching the stars and not missing to enjoy the grilled chicken specialties right on the fire.

One more a unique feature of Golden Tulip is the charming scenery. Located in a prime location in the high hills, this 18-hectare farm is also generously blessed by a calm lake surface surrounded by the tract of the fertile basalt red soil. Understanding the strengths, the owner has created interesting sports, forming an unforgettable highlight in the journey to conquer mother nature. Travelers who love adventure sports can choose to go kayaking or SUP upstream of the lake, freely flouncing in the middle of the vast space, with the cuddle of the sky, under the gentle surface of the lake.

If you love adventure, boating to approach to the area of Dak Sin waterfall, also known as the majestic five-storey waterfall, could not have been more awesome.

Not just stopping there, visiting the right coffee crop not only witnessed the farmers harvesting coffee, but also experienced yourself as a true farmer … practicing each movement as directed by the farmer. This is definitely a great experience!


Today, with the growth of economic activities, urban areas and industrial parks are mushrooming after rain. Urbanization and modernization are slowly eroding the Earth’s green lungs. Be aware of this, Golden Tulip always upholds the principle of “Not only providing excellent agricultural products but also a place for nature preservation”.

With the spirit of protecting nature goes the protection of human life. Golden Tulip has and will always develop with the noble purpose of protecting the environment, clean water and improving the fertile soil. Each year, hundreds of agricultural crops are planted, contributing to the rich greenness of this land. Alongside with that, we create a clean source of agricultural products for customers. Water is the source of life, so we proposed renovation measures to preserve the lake and keep it clean and beautiful.


Customer happiness is a measure of quality. Golden Tulip strongly gets the expectations of customers when choosing a tourist destination to find a natural mother with a peaceful atmosphere to shake off all the worries of everyday life. Therefore, we have worked hard to create a rich green space with easy routes for travelling. Golden Tulip is located in Binh Hung commune, Dak R’Lap district, Dak Nong Province, it is about 200 km from Ho Chi Minh City, which is just over 2 hours driving along the direction of National Road 13 and turning to National Road 14, you can reach a whole new atmosphere.

In the near future, Golden Tulip wishes to become an unforgettable place for tourists who love to explore the majestic nature. What’s more, we hope to promote the image of Vietnam’s natural beauty to tourists from every continent.


Understanding the concern for dirty food, chemical contaminated food, preservative substances that harm consumers’ health, Golden Tulip always upholds the criteria “customer satisfaction is more important than profit”. Therefore, all the farm products harvested  are grown extremely strictly, using natural organic fertilizer and high quality pesticides. The harvest process also achieved 100% food safety and hygiene. We commit ourselves to harvesting agricultural products that meet GAP Vietnam standards and are fully ripe naturally, not impregnated with chemicals.

In order to ensure the best care for visitors, Golden Tulip can only receive one group of visitors at a time. Visitors who buy directly at the farm will be treated to a special meal of the farm and try fruits and coffee for free.

Overview of golden tulip

Over 5 years operating in the field of eco-tourism, Golden Tulip is proud to be one of the bright tourist destinations in the land of the Central Highlands with lots of sunshine and wind.

Golden Tulip is the bridge that brings the culinary elite, unique culture of the great region to visitors through natural experience activities and the enjoyment of unique agricultural products in the Central Highlands. Golden Tulip will take you into a new paradise, completely different from that of the dusty atmosphere of the busy city. That’s enough to ecstatic visitors, go once and then “fall in lovewith the great land.

The ultimate goal of Golden Tulip is to bring visitors unforgettable experiences about people, culture and natural beauty of Dak Sin in particular and the Central Highlands in general … If you accidentally set foot on this land, you will never forget it.

During the process of formation and development, Golden Tulip has always pursued its original core principle which is “ENJOY AND PRESERVE NATURAL VALUE”, so we always carry out the promotion tourism with preserving and maintaining the wild and majestic beauty of the mountains.

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